How to Build a Website using Android Device

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How to Build Website, How to Make Website, Create Website using Android

Ever wondered if it would be possible to build a website using only your mobile device? You have heard of people building beautiful websites using their computers or laptops before but how often do we hear of people building a website using their mobile devices? Probably not very often and you probably guessed why.

Building and developing on such a small screen without a keyboard and mouse sounds like a dreadful task. That being said, not everyone out there may always have access to a laptop or desktop and therefore, their only option may be to build and develop using their smartphone.

Thankfully, building a beautiful website does not require a laptop or desktop. It can be done using only your mobile device. If you have been searching online on “How to build a website using your smartphone?”, you’ve come to the right place.

In this tutorial, we will be explaining the process of building and developing a website using only your android device. You will learn how you can build and run your own website from scratch without using any complex frameworks or programming libraries. This information is extremely useful when you don’t have access to your Laptop or PC but need to complete a project quickly.

Let’s Get Started:

What do you need?

  • An Android device
  • KSWEB App – Available on Google Play Store
  • Some Programming Knowledge

If you already started your website beforehand on your PC and have the files but don’t have access to a laptop or PC, you can still use this tutorial to complete your work. If your project is on HTML, CSS, and using any back-end language such as PHP for connecting your database, then the KSWEB Developer Kit App will assist you in completing your project from your android device.

How to Setup & Configure Your Website?

  • In order to set up your website, you have to download the app called KSWEB from Play Store. This app gives you access to Apache and Nginx Engines, which will enable you to run your websites. The app comes with support for various services such as MySQL with PhpMyAdmin Panel support.
  • After installing the app, open the KSWEB App and Toggle the button to activate the server.
  • Thereafter, select the webserver you want. With KSWEB, you get to choose between Apache and Nginx.
  • If your website makes use of a database, then you may also have to enable MySQL by clicking the start button.
  • Your local host will now be ready to serve your website locally!


The default IP and port of the local server are by opening this URL you will see a default PHP ‘Welcome‘ Page which you can change later on, or replace with your own files by going to the /storage /emulated /0 /htdocs directory of your phone storage. You can access this location by using any file manager such as MixPlorer or similar.

You will find all your website codes and files stored in the directory mentioned above (/storage /emulated /0 /htdocs). Whatever files you create or modify in this directory will be served on your localhost server.

In the beginning, you will see the default ‘Welcome’ page created by PHP and if you want to access your database, schema, and table for your MySQL databases, then you need to open the PhpMyAdmin Panel from http://localhost:8001 and you will be redirected to your PhpMyAdmin Panel login page.

To login into your PhpMyAdmin, you need to enter the default credentials login info of the PhpMyAdmin which is:

Password*Leave it blank*

After entering your credentials, you will now be logged into your PhpMyAdmin Panel where you can easily access, create or delete your schema and tables of your database. At this point, your development surface/foundation is set and ready to use. You can now test if your website is working or not as well as apply fixes, customization, and more – WITHOUT USING A PC!

That’s it! In just a few simple steps you can create and test out your website using only a smartphone! We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful in understanding how you can create and develop your website without having to rely on a PC or Laptop. This method is really useful to know so that you are equipped with the skills needed to work from anywhere, at any time.

Final Word

In this guide, you learned how the KSWEB App for Android can assist you to serve your web pages on your localhost. The app essentially creates a server locally on your device and functions pretty much the same as the one you would get on your desktop environment. Using this localhost, you can test your website and make changes on the fly and view them in real-time. You don’t need any PC or Laptop which is what makes this method really great!

This method can also be used to test or run a CMS (Content Management System) such as WordPress, Data life, etc. on your mobile device. I personally use this method to test out my PHP scripts locally which makes it a lot easier to debug my code and optimize my workflow.

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